This film directed by Mr. Vikram Gokhale[his first directorial venture]is a must see!
The film is sleek -that is ,there are no extra frills ,not a tear jerker or a comic riot but absolutely brilliant!
The actors have given a marvelous performance-each one of them and the credit goes to the director for keeping a tight leash on the acting -just as much as required by the script.The script is very good and it shows how a common person can be duped easily.The Hippocratic oath at the begining and the comment at the end were masterstrokes.
Thank you all for this great film and we would love to see more of Mr. Vikram Gokhale-both as an actor and a director.His faith in Ms. Mukta Barve is justified completely.All the actors have done a great job even in the smallest roles.Congratulations!
There is though one drawback- not many theaters are running the film and then those that are running it do so at odd times like 11.30 am or 12 noon.Still I could catch it and be happy that I have seen a great film!