Sunday, 21 February 2010

film on You Tube

I saw a film by Jean-Jacques Annaud-The Bear. What a film ! I am amazed at the way they have shot the film. As you watch the film you start experiencing the fear that must have gripped the bear and the way it tried to save itself from the cougar. The fear slowly recedes and you now want the bear to escape -you run with him through the jungle,across the tree branch,into the river -but the lioness gets the better of him and bites him-the bear starts screaming and there is someone else screaming too- the cougar looks up ,turns tail and walks off-the bear runs towards its mother who licks off the wounds.The size of the mother is three times that of the baby! What A FIL,M -MUST WATCH!


Unknown said...

Hi , i am ashish ,i just came across your blog while searching for other bloggers with similar interests .. can you tell me the name of the youtube video or provide a link.

Anil P said...

I could imagine the flow, the terror. An interesting theme since in most films where bears figure they're usually portrayed as the predators.

Madhavi said...

hi ashish
here is the link